
holistic, Wellness, Mental Health, Wellbeing Meaghan Peckham holistic, Wellness, Mental Health, Wellbeing Meaghan Peckham

Holistic Approaches for mental wellness

A blog post of holistic approaches for mental (and physical) wellness that include everything from supplements and exercise, Mindfulness and Neurofeedback, to practitioners such as Osteopaths and Acupuncturists, because as a psychotherapist I know that the mind is part of a greater system that needs support in order to function at its best. Engaging in psychotherapy is only one part of the puzzle when addressing concerns related to our mental health. Incorporating and addressing the needs of the whole system is crucial for mental wellness.

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  • Resourcing Hyper & hypo-arousal

    This document provides psycho-education about Hyperarousal (activated) and Hypoarousal (shut down) states, and provides somatic strategies to resource yourself.

  • Emotion Vocabulary List

    Expand your menu of emotion language to identify what you are feeling and help you communicate your feelings and needs to others

  • Sensation Vocabulary List

    This sensation vocabulary list will help you tune into your body’s sensations, and with language to identify your experience, it will be easier to respond to what your body needs, and communicate your experience to others

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